Monday, December 10, 2012

Skin Softening, Teeth Whitening, and Vivid Eyes

     The point of this project was to fix images to make them look better.  This image practiced using the skin softening tools.  To do this, there are a few steps I had to do.  First, I had to use a skin perfecting tool of my choice.  I chose to use the patch tool where you circle what you want to perfect and drag it to somewhere with a matching skin tone to fix it.  Next, I duplicated the background layer and changed the blend mode to overlay.  Then I added a high pass filter which makes it much more saturated and bright.  Next I had to invert this so it softened the picture.  Last, I added a layer mask to make the key parts of the face less soft (such as her eyes, mouth, and hair).
     I also used the same process as I did on the last one on this photo.  The only thing I did differently was make her eyes more vivid.  To do this, I selected her eyes with any tool of my choice then added more hue, saturation, and color.  Her eyes were changed from blue to more greenish and bright.
     This image has whitened teeth.  To do this, I first applied the selective color layer.  Then, I chose yellow from the drop down menu and slid the yellow slider all the way to the left.  Next I had to invert what I had just done so it looked how it originally did.  After that, I used the brush to paint the teeth to make them look white and the rest of the picture remain the same.
     I edited this image with all three techniques that I explained above.

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